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N Justin ® 徐旭隆

Never be erased ♥

.30 May, 2006 ' 8:20 am Y

50% doctor?

After 2 1/2 years of hard work and sleepless nights, I'm finally done with 50% of medical course. Although most of the sleepless night were due to DOTA, I have 2 admit that for the 1st time in my life, I feel unbelievably proud of myself. Being a medical student is what everyone wants, but not when they have really become medical students. Being a medical student is tough, but being a medical student who looks like a medical student is even harder. These are the tips for u if u're seriously thinking about becoming one :

1) Go to hair saloon and tell the leng lui , "cut short short lo". 2) Fill ur closet with formal clothes, pants and neckties that look as boring as possible. 3) Pretend to be friendly and caring and smile to everyone even when u feel like shit.

In conclusion, u have to dress professionally, talk professionally and act professionally. In medical school, professionally means "nerd-like".

The convocation on 27.5.2006 in Hilton Hotel was one of the best moments I ever had with my batchmates. It's not about listening to some Dato' talking about politics and election (I call it bullshit) or doing rehearsel for a total of 5+ hours before making our way to the highly respected stage to get a fake scroll from some Dato'. It's all about meeting my beloved friends...

Nothing in Hilton attracted me. This one did.

If I were to choose someone or something to take photo with, I would choose this over Prof. Victor Lim. I could not see anything else but this even if Jessica Alba is lying naked next to it (I'm lying).

The whole receiving-the-scroll thing was actually nothing. We got something called "Certificate of Completion of Phase I Medical Programme" or "Sijil #### Fasa I #### whatever". Those who were so excited and proud to attend this ceremony for the cert would definitely feel so empty inside after they saw the cert. God, have mercy on them.

This ceremony turned out to be quite important for a lot of people although i took it so lightly since the beginning. It was my turn to feel empty inside when I only got this during the entire ceremony

when a lot of my friends got this.

This smart girl got something even better. Congratulations to the Gold Medallist, Ning,

n the Gold-Medallist-wanna-be (Diamond Medallist),

n these two professionals who did an awesome Italian job in the changing room (I wonder if IMU got charged extra for this)

It's my pleasure to take a photo with my highly-respected anatomy and pathology lecturers.

We really had a great time. Photos after photos were taken. Our camera went exhausted, but our heart did not. I love u, M2/03.

However, this great feeling only lasted for a while.

"#$F!#%F#$%!!! Stupid KL traffic!!"


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