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N Justin ® 徐旭隆

Never be erased ♥

.08 December, 2006 ' 6:56 pm Y

What is Noob?

DotA has been the entertainment for me for a few weeks already. Well, not exactly entertainment, more to a means to pass my boring free time. Not wisely spent, but it's fun. In case anyone doesn't know what DotA is...It stands for Defense of the Ancients. I was surprised to find the term in Wikipedia. Cool.

My DotA kaki called me a noob although I pawn some of them frequently. I'm the host for inter-university DotA games in the UK, exclusively for ex-IMU-ians. So chia ming called me a Noob Host. No matter how good I was as a host, they still call me a noob. I've been exposed to this word, noob, for a long time already but recently, I made an effort to find out what it really meant. As usual, Wikipedia is my source.

Hm...Noob = Newbie. Ok, cool.

The definition of Newbie accordng to Wikipedia :

A newbie is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the internet, where it might refer to new, inexperienced, or ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the internet itself. The term is generally regarded as an insult, although in many cases more experienced/knowledgeable people use it in purpose of negative reinforcenment, urging "newbies" to learn more about the filed or area in question.

Variant spelling, such as newb, nub, noob, nooblet, foob, nubzors, nubcake, noobtard, noobstain and in Leetspeak, n00b and t3h n00bzors are numerous and common in Internet use. The term newb itself is actually used to refer to a person who is new to the field in question, whereas noob is used as an insult. For example, in the internet show Pure Pwnage, the main character regularly says, "I pwn noobs," in this case, meaning he beats people of lower skill than himself.


Walao need or not...so long definition??? Noob author...

Any noob ex-IMU-ians who wanna join, dun hesitate...I'm waiting to pawn u, noobs...


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