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N Justin ® 徐旭隆

Never be erased ♥

.26 June, 2007 ' 7:14 pm Y

Don't Worry, be happy

DotA is not only a game. It's a culture, a spirit and a tool to gather all the friends who share the same interest.

In medicine, we learn the theories before going into practical years. In DotA, we practise before learning the theories. So much of practice in the past and so much of calling yourselves pros, it's time to test you on theoretical knowledge.

This is a list of DotA SAQs which require you to recall which heroes produce which statements during the game (play the song above coz it might give u some clues). Different marks are allocated for each sections with increasing difficulties. Count your marks when you're done to see what level you are at, and pls give me your mark at the "comment" section so I can determine who inherits the Frozen Throne (pls be honest).

Firstly, some easy questions.

Section A (1 mark for each correct answer):

1. "You're kinda slow for a human, aren't ya?"
2. "Aye sir" (Scott-ish?)
3. "I hear you man"
4. "For Pandariaaaaa!"
5. "The engine's running."
6. "Do not run, we are your friends"
7. "I am the iron hand of justice"
8. "Moonlight shines upon the guilty and the innocent alike."
9. "Shh, I'm trying to think here."
10. "Do you require aid, human?"

Now, slightly tougher ones for you.

Section B (2 marks for each correct answer):

1. "What task is there."
2. "Tremble before the scourge."
3. "I serve only the frozen throne"
4. "Don't waste my time."
5. "None shall harm the wilds."
6. "What you looking at?"
7. "Be quick, time is mana."
8. "My bow is ready."r
9. "Fresh, cool ale here."
10. "My watchers are ready."

Getting tougher.

Section C (3 marks for each correct answer):

1. "I grow tired of waiting."
2. "Agoonie-googu."
3. "The Blood Elves await."
4. "Taste the fury of the Warsong."
5. "I'm acting on instinct."
6. "Thy bidding"
7. "Turn me lose"
8. "I grow anxious to act."
9. "Death to the enemies of the horde!"
10. "Aim dead center."

Ultimate difficulty.

Section D (4 marks for each correct answer):

1. "By Azshara!"
2. "In Nordrassil's name!"
3. "Aradenu phelore!"
4. "For the Mok Nathal!"
5. "Land born scum"
6. "For the alliance!"
7. "Kushagal!"
8. "Endirina dor Highborne!"
9. "For Nashatar."
10. "For the Nathrezim!'


Answers :

Section A:
1. ZEUS, Lord of Olympia
2. KARDEL SHARPEYE, Dwarven Sniper
3. RHASTA, Shadow Shaman
4. MANGIX, Pandaren Battlemaster
5. BOUSH, Tinker
6. SQUEE AND SPLEEN, Goblin Techies
7. MORTRED, Phantom Assasin
8. LUNA MOONFANG, Moon Rider
9. Crystal Maiden
10. LINA INVERSE, Slayer

Section B:
1. YURNERO, Juggernaut
2. RAZOR, Lightning Revenant
3. ANUB'ARAK, Nerubian Assasin
4. BALANAR, Night Stalker
5. FURION, Prophet
7. NORTROM, Silencer
8. TRAXEX, Drow Ranger
9. MANGIX, Pandaren Battlemaster
10. LUNA MOONFANG, Moon Rider

Section C:
1. SVEN, Rogueknight
2. RHASTA, Shadow Shaman
3. NORTROM, Silencer
4. AZWRAITH, Phantom Lancer
5. REXXAR, Beastmaster
6. LION, Demon Witch
7. AKASHA, Queen of Pain
8. MEDUSA, Gorgon
9. RAIGOR STONEHOOF, Earthshaker
10. AIUSHTA, Enchantress

Section D:
1. SLITHICE, Naga Siren
2. SYLLABEAR, Lone Druid
3. LUNA MOONFANG, Moon Rider
4. REXXAR, Beastmaster
5. SLARDAR, Slithereen Gaurd
7. GONDAR, Bounty Hunter
8. NORTROM, Silencer
9. MEDUSA, Gorgon
10. BALANAR, Night Stalker

The total marks add up to 100 (?/100).

After you have added up your marks, you can put yourself in one of these categories.

<10 marks : Bloody noobhai
10-29 marks : Pro-ish noob
30-49 marks : Pro
50-69 marks : Bachelor of DotAlogy
70-79 marks : Master of DotAlogy
>80 marks : DotA Consultant

Bert,Bob,Cmingo n I.


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